Veteran-Adventures, Inc., is a non-profit organization headquartered in Oroville, CA.
Veteran-Adventure, Inc. was established to promote a therapeutic recreational environment for Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress and other disabilities, to connect (or reconnect) with family, friends and nature, in the Northern California foothills of the Sierras.

Founders, Ron Lansdon & Oliver Perry
In 2016, we put together a Labor Day weekend camping and fishing trip at Bucks Lake in Butte County, CA. We rented two campsites, and used Ron’s boat. We sent messages out to 20 Veterans that we got to know from the VA Men’s Trauma Program, at VA Menlo Park, CA. Eight veterans responded that they would attend, and everyone shared how beneficial it was to reconnect after our initial meeting the year prior, as well as reminiscing about being able to engage in activities with people the can relate to meaning their fellow Vets.
During our time at the VA program, we had the weekends free to do activities. Many of us went on day trips hiking, caught a movie, or simply got outside and walked around the local flea market. Needless to say, being able to bond with other Veterans within the program based on similar experiences we shared, and learning how to cope was extraordinarily beneficial. Being able to get together outside of the program and support each other was equally (if not more) beneficial because most of us had gone back to our own environments without remaining connected to those closest to us.
For the past 2 years we have been able to successfully establish day outings on the lake, where Veterans get together or bring their Families for a fun fullfilling day of fishing and boating.